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6th Hungarian Open

2015-02-27 16:07:24

ITF G4, 2-3 May 2015, Godollo, Hungary
Venue: Egyetemi Teniszklub, 2100 Godollo, Szentgyorgyi Albert str 1.

Entry deadline: 9th April 14.00
Send your entries to beachtennis@huntennis.hu
For information, sign-in etc call Peter Bor: +36 30 392 2508
Entry fee: 40 euros/team

At the university near the site
double room: 30 euros (with bathroom)
triple room: 25 euros
reserve through:nagy.alexandra@fh.szie.hu

Time of making the draw: 1st May, 18.00 at the Hungarian Tennis Association (1146 Budapest, Istvanmezei str 1-3) Please make the sign-in by telephone, : +36 30 392 2508


Copyright © Magyar Tenisz Szövetség, 2012